Has Christmas Come Too Early This Year?
Category: General
Published: 07/11/2016
Why we are being bombarded with advertising already and why your business needs to join the party.
We don’t want to seem like a bunch of old Grinches here, but don’t you think all this talk of Christmas is just way too early this year?
You may have already noticed Christmas trees, decorations and gift ideas subtly popping up in supermarkets around you. Indeed, just as soon the last firework fizzled out in the Saturday evening sky the TV was already packed full of advertisers - all looking to get as many early festive sales as possible.
As the most competitive season of the year steadily approaches, online activity of all kinds increases to almost fever pitch. The nights draw in and November pushes us gently, almost unwittingly, into December as thoughts turn to making preparations, getting things done and crucially, spending money! Increases in corporate and retail sales opportunities run in tandem at this time of year for those who have the good will to go out and get them. Both traditional and digital marketing activity increases rapidly for businesses with a keen eye on profit levels and you need to either join the party or be prepared to sit in the corner take a loss. Your promotional campaign needs to kick into action now if you want to boost sales for the end of the calendar year and win new business to ensure a healthy and wealthy start to the approaching New Year.
Whether we enjoy the early onslaught of the sales process or not there is good reason and cold hard historical facts to back up why it is happening. November and December provide a fantastic opportunity to generate online sales and leads for businesses across all industries. For example, in 2015, in the 8 weeks between 1st November and the end of December, UK sales were up a mighty 12% on the previous year (hey, that’s a whole 1% for each day of Christmas - traditionally speaking). Judging by this early activity in 2016, it looks like it may just top that.
If you can already feel yourself slipping comfortably into that ‘winding down’ feeling then you are doomed to miss out on all the pre-festive fun!
Ready To Join The Party?
There is still so much potential left in 2016 for your business. If you’re not already working with us on your website and digital marketing then this is undoubtedly the most wonderful time of the year (see what we did there?) to give us a call so that we can get to work on your behalf.
RSVP now to arrange a free consultation. We’ll even throw in a free check up for your existing website - well, it is Christmas after all and everybody loves a bargain!
Why should you be any different?
We'd love you to benefit from one of our Free Marketing Consultations.
Contact us now on 0141 771 7242, or
*Source: Internet Retailing
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